Top 5 Reasons To Buy Fiberglass Doors

Advantages of Fiberglass Exterior Doors Over Wood Doors in South Texas

As a residential door retailer, we often get asked about the differences between fiberglass and wood doors, particularly in South Texas. While both materials have their own set of benefits, we believe that fiberglass exterior doors offer numerous advantages over wood doors in this region.

Resistance to Weather Elements

One of the biggest advantages of fiberglass exterior doors is their resistance to weather elements, which is especially important in South Texas where the weather can be unpredictable and harsh. Unlike wood doors that are susceptible to warping, swelling, and rotting when exposed to humidity, rain, and sunlight, fiberglass doors are highly resistant to these elements. This makes them an ideal choice for homeowners who want a door that can withstand the heat, humidity, and strong winds of the region without deteriorating or requiring frequent maintenance.

Energy Efficiency

Another major advantage of fiberglass exterior doors is their energy efficiency. In South Texas, where the summers can be brutally hot and humid, energy-efficient doors are essential to keep your home cool and comfortable. Fiberglass doors are known for their excellent insulation properties, which can help to reduce energy costs by keeping the hot air out and the cool air in. They are also available in a variety of styles and designs, so you can choose a door that complements the aesthetic of your home while providing optimal energy efficiency.


Fiberglass exterior doors are incredibly durable and can last for years without showing signs of wear and tear. They are resistant to dents, scratches, and fading, which means they can withstand the wear and tear of everyday use without losing their aesthetic appeal. Wood doors, on the other hand, are prone to scratches, dents, and other forms of damage, which can be costly and time-consuming to repair or replace.

Low Maintenance

Fiberglass exterior doors are incredibly low maintenance, which is a significant advantage for homeowners who don’t want to spend a lot of time and money on upkeep. Unlike wood doors that require regular painting, staining, and sealing to maintain their appearance and durability, fiberglass doors require minimal maintenance. They are easy to clean with soap and water, and they don’t need to be repainted or resealed every few years. This can save homeowners a significant amount of time and money over the lifetime of the door.


Finally, fiberglass exterior doors offer excellent security features that can give homeowners peace of mind. Fiberglass doors are typically reinforced with steel, making them more resistant to forced entry than wood doors. They also have high-quality locking mechanisms that can deter intruders and keep your home safe and secure.

In conclusion, while both fiberglass and wood doors have their own unique advantages, we believe that fiberglass exterior doors offer significant benefits over wood doors in South Texas. Their resistance to weather elements, energy efficiency, durability, low maintenance, and security features make them an excellent choice for homeowners who want a door that can withstand the harsh conditions of the region without compromising on aesthetics or performance.

At SimplyDoors, we offer a wide range of fiberglass and real wood exterior doors in various styles, designs, and colors to suit the needs and preferences of our customers. Whether you’re looking for a classic or contemporary design, we have the perfect door to enhance the curb appeal and security of your home. Contact us today to learn more about our exterior doors and how they can benefit your home.


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